Yes, yes, I'm way late with this, but life is busy and leaves me not a lot of time to devote to thoughtful spiritual writing, so I've resigned myself to the fact that this is going to take more than a month. In any case, here's the next entry:
Beliefs – Holidays
are weird for me, for a few reasons.
first reason is that man it is hard to remember when they happen.
It’s an unfortunate side effect of living in a country where the
state holidays tend to intermingle with the Christian ones, but I was
never, in my Wiccish days, able to remember when Imbolc was, or what
the hell it was celebrating, anyway.
Wicca-flavored paganism tends to use the Wheel of the Year, a cycle
of 8 holidays divided into the major sabbats (which Gardner, founder
of Wicca, ripped off from Celtic traditions) and the minor sabbats
(which are the solstices and equinoxes). One of the Major sabbats is
Samhain and god help me but I can’t pronounce it like it’s
supposed to be pronounced--fuck it it’s Halloween anyway.
see how lazy I am?)
though if someone could actually tell me how that damn word is
pronounced I would be in debt to you, because I’ve heard about a
billion versions and they all sound equally difficult/ridiculous. I
know it’s supposed to be like “sa-wen” but I have so much
cognitive dissonance with how the word looks as opposed to this
pronunciation that the word just makes me frustrated and angry. Also
as a misanthropic solitary pagan I have never actually heard a live
human being say “sa-wen” so I’m just going on internet research
basically. I’M DUBIOUS.)
Where I’m at now in my religious practices, I observe the solar
holidays on the solstices and equinoxes. It’s easy to remember,
found on every calendar, and I can physically observe the changes in
daylight throughout the seasons and these holidays keep me mindful of
how much life on earth is dependent on the Sun. A nice bonus to using
this simple system is that season affective disorder is a bit more
manageable when I can observe and take specific days to reflect on
the Sun’s importance to me and to the earth. Granted it’s still
winter and I’m still depressed and miserable on all these overcast
freezing awful gray days, but I can see the sun moving higher in the
sky, and it gives me faith that like most things, my melancholy will
already mentioned my visits to Cahokia, which are more about
observation than celebration, obviously. I like to be able to hold a
candlelight vigil on the winter solstice, or at least stay up as late
as I can if the solstice is on a work night. I also like to reserve
that night for knitting! The summer solstice on the other hand I
prefer to spend outside (within reason, because as much as I love the
sun I hate skin cancer with a passion) making offerings or just being
out and active and enjoying nature.
very nice spring equinox I made ghee out of some local organic
butter, and it was a very rewarding experience, to make it with that
kind of mindfulness on that day and then use it, like a little bit of
sunlight, throughout the rest of the year. The Autumn equinox is such
a harvesty-type day, I use it, generally, to take stock of things,
organize yarn, bake bread, and sort of store up projects for the
winter to keep myself sane.
that’s been my holiday structure for a few years now, nothing big
or flashy, just a few little activities to celebrate the turning of
the seasons. And then I went and brought deities into it. And of
course research indicates that they were historically worshipped on
specific holidays: Shining God-who-is-probably-Belenos is associated
with May 1, designated on the Celtic and Wiccish calendars as
Beltain(e). So I’m in rather a pickle, since my questings have
started to take a Celtic turn, wondering if I should try to go back
to the full eight holidays or is that just too much for my poor
little brain to remember? Or maybe I should add that one in and have
five? And I always liked Halloween even though I don’t care a whit
about the whole Horned God death and rebirth myth cycle that’s
associated with Samhain, do I do something celebratory on October
31st? Often I’ll have a vigil on the Day of the Dead
despite no Mexican ancestry that I know of, but a lot of my ancestors
on my dad’s side were REALLY Catholic so that’s as good a day as
any to give them food and such.
Liminal God is pretty difficult to pin down, I’m tentatively
identifying him as Gaulish Mercury (there at least hasn’t been any
strong negative feeling towards that identification, but that’s not
necessarily a positive) and there’s real evidence for any
specific holiday other than the Mercuralia celebrated on May 15 by
Roman merchants to ensure good business throughout the year. Not sure
about that, as I am not a businessperson.
again, that is for springtime, and I have a good while before I have
to make any decisions about celebrating.
everyone bored of my ramblings yet? Here have a tentative calendar
for this year:
20: Spring Equinox
20: My freaking birthday and if I hear any 4-20 jokes I will hit you.
1: Beltaine, MAYBE
15: Mercuralia?
20: Summer Solstice
22: Autumn Equinox
31-Nov 2: candy and also food for dead people.
21: Winter Solstice
is really spring-heavy! Gosh! We’ll see. We shall SEE.
I've enjoyed our trips to Cahokia for the soltice... we should really try for a summer one this year, though the winter is kind of special too and just ONCE I'd actually like to be able to see the sun rise and not have it be cloudy or snowy or whatever. I think they may do something for equinox too? We should look.