
This blog started out as solely focused on food. cooking and spirituality are incredibly co-mingled for me, and now I'm adding to the focus by making the blog more about my spiritual life in general. I hope the result is something readable!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day Two: Cosmology

  1. Cosmology

This is a bit of a tricky area for me. At heart, I think, I’m an animist. (note that I added a glossary tab up top there to help allay any confusion my fast and loose term-dropping may cause) I believe that the universe came about through the normal scientifically-accepted means, I just happen to also believe that the natural world is full of spirits.

There have been times in my life where I’ve been aware, with absolute certainty, of presences or personalities in nature. This is one of those tricky sometimes silly-sounding things called Unverified Personal Gnosis (hereafter UPG), when one comes into a state of knowing something, really fully knowing something that’s been reavealed, but there is no way to prove this to anyone else. And in a way, I think, it shouldn’t have to be proven to anyone else, if the meaning you get out of the experience is a personal connection with the divine.

Anyway, during these instances of UPG I have felt in the presence of things so much older than myself, larger and more powerful and completely foreign from any human presence. These have been spirits of specific places, and sometimes they make me feel welcome and sometimes they simply make me feel like a foreigner who doesn’t belong. But either way, they make me feel something, and I’m grateful for the interaction and knowledge of their presence.

More recently, as I perused various online Pagan forums and read (lurkingly, I am a master of lurking) about other people’s encounters with specific deities, with names and images and attributes and everything, I found myself wondering if I even believe in gods at all, or if these spirits of place are all that’s out there (or all that care about making themselves known to me, anyway). Also, since so far these place-spirits show up when I’m traveling or hiking or other occasional times when I’m not at home, I wanted to try and expand my horizons a bit and put out a call, as it were, for any deities who were interested in working with me in my efforts to get a solid daily religious practice going. There have been a few answers.

Right now I can’t say for certain where I fall on the polytheism spectrum; I don’t know if say, all spirits in the world are aspects of one greater whole that permeates the entire universe or if everyone is separate and distinct. Place spirits feel different from Ancestor spirits, and those feel a bit different from more Deity-type spirits, and there’s another low-key type of spirit-feeling I get when I’m putting energy and work into something, like reading Tarot or working on a painting that’s really coming together.

Something that really fascinates and terrifies me is the thermodynamic concept of entropy. I first was smacked in the face by how amazing it is while reading Tom Stoppard’s play Arcadia while sitting in the park in Charleston with my wonderful girlfriend. It’s difficult for me to conceptualize the idea that like, all the energy in the world has basically come from the sun or residual radiation from the Big Bang, and slowly it’s all being frittered away and at some point the universal temperature is going to normalize. When I try to vizualise this really, really full of math concept (note: math is not normally my friend) I get a mental image of a great beast, permeating the layers of reality, devouring everything indiscriminately. And because I’m such a huge Borges fangirl I imagine that beast is a Tiger.

Generally though I tend to keep my focus closer to home, so to speak. However: if I ever become an intrepid spacefaring explorer I will probably be making offerings to the great devouring coldness before I go, just to be on the safe side. 

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