
This blog started out as solely focused on food. cooking and spirituality are incredibly co-mingled for me, and now I'm adding to the focus by making the blog more about my spiritual life in general. I hope the result is something readable!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

30 Days of Paganism Master Post

Okay, since I clearly failed at the revamp effort in June, I'm appling an actual format to the posts so I can write about spiritual subjects regularly. So There.

Here, then, is my slightly tweaked 30 Days of Paganism Intro and Link List:

  1. Master Post
    7. Beliefs – Divination
    8. Beliefs – Holidays
    9. Deity and Gender
    10. Pantheons and Patrons and Eclecticism, Oh My!
    11. Pantheon – Blood Mother
    12. Pantheon – Shining God
    13. Pantheon – Liminal God
    14. Pantheon – Genius Loci
    15. Pantheon – Ancestors and Animals
    16. Nature and the Dead
    17. Daily Routines
    18. Community and Why I Suck At It
    19. Paganism and my family/friends
    20. Paganism and my partner
    21. Other paths I’ve explored-- Hall Of Regrets
    22. Paganism and major life events
    23. Ethics
    24. Personal aesthetics and Paganism
    25. Favoured ritual tools, and why
    26. Any “secular” pastimes with religious significance, and why
    27. How your faith has helped you in difficult times
    28. One misconception about paganism you’d like to clear up
    29. The future of Paganism
    30. Has This Been Useful to Me?

    Hopefully something good can come of this, and I won't spend the month being a complete lump. who knows! ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN.

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